Extraction Isn’t as Scary as it Sounds

Tooth Extractions

Getting a teeth pulled can seem like a scary and painful process. However, the oral surgeons at Gentle Dental Care make every effort to minimize pain and speed up healing. Sometimes, the most comforting thing is knowing what to expect. Soon, you’ll see that getting a tooth pulled at Gentle Dental Care isn’t as frightening as you might think. Our oral surgeons will work quickly and let you know how to properly heal following the procedure. With follow-up appointments, you can be sure everything is going as smoothly as planned. In no time, you’ll feel just as great as you used to; and when we replace your tooth, you’ll look just as great, too!

Trusted Oral Surgery Procedures

Did you know that putting off oral surgery can make your oral health worse?

Why We Perform Tooth Extractions

A person could need a tooth removed for any number of reasons. Some of these causes are unavoidable, such as impacted wisdom teeth. In other cases, the tooth may be in such a state of decay that it should be removed to preserve the person’s health. In either case, your dentist will let you know if you need a tooth extracted. When you visit Gentle Dental, you have the benefit of being referred to an inside oral surgeon. That means that you’ll be working with someone who is dedicated to causing minimal pain, and who actually has the dental tools to make that happen.

Are Tooth Extractions Painful?

In most cases, you won’t even feel the tooth being removed from your mouth. Though extractions typically involve cutting the gum tissue and possibly even breaking the tooth into smaller pieces to it can be removed. However, you’ll be placed under some form of anesthesia. Either we’ll numb the area before we begin the procedure, or you’ll be completed sedated and won’t even be awake.

Once the procedure is over, we’ll recommend something for the pain you’ll start to feel once the numbness wears off. You might be surprised to know that over-the-counter painkillers are often more than good enough. That’s because our oral surgeons perform delicate procedures that irritate the smallest surface area possible.

We’ll also let you know which foods and behaviors to avoid so that you don’t cause yourself more pain. For example, using a straw could suction out your gum stitches. Now, that can be painful! But follow our instructions carefully, and you should be fine.

Best Oral Surgery in Houston

Oral surgery doesn’t have to be scary!

Call Us If You Need a Tooth Extraction

If your tooth has been bothering you, call Gentle Dental Care. You can set your appointment online or reach our office at (281) 855-1100 for more information. Don’t put off your vital oral surgery because you’re afraid of the pain. Our gentle surgeons can calm your fears.