Fighting Gum Disease with Gentle Dental
Periodontal Disease
Periodontic disease is a serious ailment. When you find out that you have gum disease, you need to take measures to treat and heal it before the symptoms progress. Gentle Dental has been treating periodontic disease in the Houston area for several years now. We have multiple offices spread out around the greater Houston area, all dedicated to helping the community achieve oral health. In order to fully understand periodontic disease, we need to speak about everything it entails so that you can be better prepared for diagnosis and treatment.
What is Periodontal Disease?
This disease starts with your plaque. While it accumulates and becomes tartar, the tartar can harbor bacteria and infect your gums. When this happens, the bacteria attacks the soft tissue there and becomes gingivitis. Without medical intervention, gingivitis becomes periodontal disease, which is an incredibly serious ailment. Given the time to, gum disease will deteriorate your gums and the bone which holds your teeth. Since there are very few warning signals, this illness is one that needs to be eliminated immediately.
Fighting Gum Disease with Gentle Dental
There are multiple paths we can take to help to treat periodontal disease at Gentle Dental. Some of them aren’t invasive, while others are more extensive methods. In order to prepare you for these, let’s touch on them a little bit here.
- Scaling and root planing – these treatments are non-surgical and allow your dentist to clean the root of your tooth. Afterward, they can also give you antibiotics, antimicrobial treatments, and host modulation.
- Gum graft surgery – this is an oral surgery which repairs bone loss and receding gums. This is done to repair your gums and prevent more erosion in the future.
- Dental crowns – these are caps placed over your teeth to protect against infection.
- Dental implants – false teeth which are secured in your jaw. In the case that you lose teeth during this time, we can have implants installed.
Contact Us
Before you come into our office, call (281) 855-1100. To set an appointment closer to your own location, visit this link and follow the instructions. Now you can get started on Fighting Gum Disease with Gentle Dental.
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