Are you in the need of a bonding? Perhaps you have a tooth chip, damage or discoloration that was caused by an accident or injury. There are many cosmetic reasons why bonding would be an option. In today’s blog post, we will go over how bonding can help for you and what you can do to prepare for a bonding procedure. Gentle Dental wants to make sure you are aware and ready for whatever dental need you may require.
What Is Bonding?
We call this process bonding because the dentist bonds the material to the teeth. Bonding is one of the easiest and cheapest cosmetic dental procedures. The composite resin used for bonding can be shaped and polished to fit the surrounding teeth. Most commonly, bonding is used for cosmetic purposes to improve the appearance of discolored or cracked teeth. It can also be used to close the space between the teeth, making the teeth look longer, or changing the shape or color of the teeth.
How Does The Procedure Work?
A bonding requires little advanced preparation as there are not a lot of variables that can affect it. You may not even need a treatment of anesthesia. Only if there is going to be a change in the tooth’s shape, or you’re using an adhesive to fill a decaying tooth. It is also needed if the chip of your tooth is approaching the nerve. Your dentist will use a shading guide to choose a composite resin color that matches your tooth color.
Next, and the dentist will roughen the tooth surface and apply a conditioning solution. These treatments help the adhesive adhere to the teeth. After this, the dentist will apply a putty-like resin in the shade of your teeth. Through molding and smoothing it down to the desirable shape it covers the tooth. Then the dentist will use a light, usually blue light or a laser to harden the material. Once the material hardens, your dentist will further arrange and shape it and polish it to match other parts of the tooth surface. The ability to connect enamel with rehydration materials has helped improve the overall prevention of dental caries and improve their ability remove cavities. Bonding revolutionizes the way we deal with cavities in the dental industry. However, bonding still has its limits. Although the material used for dental treatment is sometimes resistant to stains, they are not as good as crowns and stains can still get the better of them from time to time. Dental bonding is still not as strong so one should be careful about scratches from ice, pencils and nails.
Contact Us If You Have Interest In Bonding!
Here at gentle dental we can provide all of your needs, including scheduling in an appointment to have your teeth bonded. This way we can help you keep the best oral care possible, and keep you healthy and full of life. Better teeth can change your entire outlook on life and bring around positive changes you never thought possible. Let us help create this new world with you! We work hard so that after it’s all said and done, you can smile wider and brighter than ever before.