We all know that our kids are hot-spots for infection. While they are developing their immune system, they will come down with various illnesses and infections throughout their childhood. There is nothing wrong with this, of course, since their bodies are only doing what they need in order to resist illness as adults. However, cavities are pretty unnecessary. Our kid’s diets are simply full of concentrated sugar no matter what we do and their little mouths are particularly susceptible. Getting sealants over their teeth can prevent cavities and further infections from causing them grief during their early days of life.
What Are Sealants?
Dental sealants are thin, plastic coatings that are brushed onto the teeth to protect them from decay. It is usually applied to the premolars and molars, the teeth which are usually affected by cavities and infections. You can think of them like umbrellas for your child’s teeth. During their younger years, they will want to have cotton candy at fairs and big cakes on their birthday. Their palates have not quite yet adjusted to enjoy the taste of saltier, more savory food, so many kids are very picky about what they eat. You want to be able to give them the treats they want without worrying about the damage their teeth will take. This sealant, acting as an umbrella, will deflect possible food and sugars from getting between their teeth and causing cavities and infection.
Will This Procedure Hurt?
Kids are particularly sensitive to pain and discomfort. They have not learned how to tolerate it, and indeed, it could be the worst pain of their entire life! You should know that placing sealants over their teeth is completely painless. In fact, the sealant is brushed over like a painting and then sealed with a special blue light. If anything, this is a process they can giggle during. You can reassure your child that this process will cause them very little grief.
We know that children especially tend to be intimidated by dentists, but getting sealants will mean they have less scary appointments down the line. Think about it. Would you rather their first dental appointment be for an easy and fun process like sealants or further down the line when they have serious cavities or infections?
Should I Be Worried About Side Effects?
No, unless your child has a very specific allergy to the materials used, there will not be any side effects. Unless you count cavity prevention as a side effect! Sealants are completely safe for your child and will likely be forgotten about as soon as they are on. Neither of you will need to worry.
Contact Gentle Dental for Pediatric Dental Care
At Gentle Dental, we love treating kids and fostering a dentist-positive attitude with them. In order to schedule their appointment, fill out our contact form here or call us. We have many locations spread throughout Texas where we can help you both. Ask your dentist about kids sealants today!