Dental Hygiene Services
Your teeth do more than just chewing food. They also help make the first impression. The first thing that people notice is your smile. Keeping that smile healthy and bright requires regular teeth cleaning and the services of a dental hygienist.
Regular Dental Checkups
A dental hygienist cleans plaque, polishes teeth and removes odor-causing biofilm. Ideally, individuals should have a cleaning once every six months. Regular teeth cleanings prevent caries, cavities, and oral disease. Your cleanings will keep your pearly white teeth shining and your gums healthy. Regular cleanings also help to diminish instances of bad breath and gum disease. Residents will find that our dental hygienists live up to our name at Texas Gentle Dental and make your regular teeth cleaning quick and painless.
Our office employs the most advanced dental hygiene techniques available to ensure that our patients receive the best dental hygiene services. Along with regular teeth cleaning duties, dental hygienists help to monitor for oral cancer and other dental health issues. This includes helping to prevent periodontal disease.
Prevention of Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease is a degenerative disease with horrible implications. The early stages involve inflammation of the gums, called gingivitis. This swelling and irritation are due to the presence of harmful bacteria. This bacterium can produce pain, bleeding, and bad breath.
Left unchecked, your oral health will continue to deteriorate. After a prolonged period, the bone and other hard structures that support the teeth will begin to recede. This results in deep pockets that harbor more odor-producing bacteria and eventually loss of teeth. This level of decay can require treatments that range from surgery to a deep cleaning that involves scaling and planning the roots of the teeth.
Periodontal health doesn’t need to become a serious issue. Regular dental checkups at Texas Gentle Dental coupled with regular dental cleanings will allow you to avoid ever developing periodontal disease. Call for our dental hygiene services today!