Teeth Whitening: In Office or At Home?

Teeth Whitening

When your teeth become discolored, it can be for a lot of different reasons. You could be eating or drinking a lot of acidic or strongly dyed foods. Other options might be from smoking or trauma, or merely the product of aging. Regardless of whatever cause it to be, you can do a lot to return those teeth back to their beautiful and best. Whitening can be a complex procedure or a very simple one. It will all depend on you and the state of your teeth. In today’s blog post we will go over the options for whitening both in office and outside of the office. Our goal is to help you find the most suitable option for your teeth!

Options Inside The Office

A dentist will always offer superior care over any other option. They are trained with years of experience to assist you in whitening. Their methods are state of the art so you won’t have to worry about not getting the results you want. It is an easy fix that anyone need only make an appointment for. The options for tooth whitening will be decided by the dentist based on the degree of coloration in your teeth. If the dentist specifies a high discoloration, then options such as veneers and bondings can be the option of choice. On the other hand, if your teeth are not that heavily stained, then a whitening tray can be a quick and simple fix.

Bonding – The dentist applies a composite resin to the surface of your teeth. This is largely for cosmetic purposes. This will return your mouth to the same shade of natural teeth with an added level of protection.

Veneers – These options are for more extreme cases of staining. They are usually in porcelain. A bonding will stain over time but veneers won’t.

Whitening Tray – This is when a mold is taken of your teeth. This uses a small coating of a bleaching agent. It can consist of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide which will remain on your teeth for 30 to 60 minutes.

What Are My Options Outside Of The Office?

In the event that your teeth are not that severely discolored or you don’t have the finances to cover a dental visit, a home kit might be the option for you. There are many options online or in the dentist office that you can access. They will be of varying strength and degrees, and of course price. However, it is usually cheaper than a regular visit which can run very high if you’re uninsured. Options for home kits consist of various whitening gels and mouthpieces that you can use at night or during the day to treat your teeth yourself. We can’t guarantee it to have the most effective results, but you can do it on your own time and at a cost right for you. A good kit will usually resemble the procedure done in the dentist office. This is of course not referring to the bondings or veneers, but the whitening tray. If you have interest in a kit, you can find them online. Otherwise, come into the dentist for your next whitening today!



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