What You Need To Know Before Getting Braces

What You Need To Know Before Getting Braces

The significance of straight teeth extends beyond a beautiful smile. However, achieving perfect oral alignment isn’t always possible without orthodontics. While associated with adolescents, braces can help people rectify tooth alignment issues and boost their confidence. Check out our helpful guide on what you need to know before getting braces to ensure a smooth and effective treatment process.

Adult Braces Are Very Common… and Beneficial!

Adult braces are more common than you might think, reshaping the misconception that this orthodontic treatment is only for tweens and teenagers. A significant number of adults invest in braces to correct dental issues and improve oral health. It is never too late to enhance your smile and dental health!

Orthodontic treatment in adulthood offers numerous benefits, such as boosted self-esteem, relief from jaw pain, and increased oral hygiene. Furthermore, misalignment correction improves speech impairments linked to dental problems. Ultimately, you shouldn’t feel embarrassed about adult braces since your confidence will certainly soar following the treatment!

Adult Orthodontics Treatments Take Time

Orthodontic treatments for adults often require a significant time commitment, typically lasting two years or more. This duration may be longer than adolescent braces treatments due to the nature of adult teeth and jaws.

The jaw and teeth grow and develop in adolescence, which enables braces to move teeth quickly. However, in adulthood, the jaw and teeth have fully developed, making them less susceptible to the pressure of braces. Moving and aligning adult teeth takes more time. Adjustments are slow to ensure the safety and health of teeth. Adults considering orthodontic treatment must understand that patience and commitment are the keys to successful treatment.

Tooth Extractions Are Often Necessary

Some adult patients may require a tooth extraction in order to achieve the desired oral alignment from the braces. A dentist or an oral surgeon will remove a tooth from its socket in the bone. In orthodontics, extractions are often necessary in the case of overcrowding because it can prevent the straight alignment of teeth.

By removing one or more teeth, the remaining teeth have space to align. This process plays a crucial role in the success of orthodontic treatments and can greatly improve the patient’s oral health. Moreover, tooth extractions can alleviate discomfort caused by overcrowding and enhance the appearance of the patient’s smile.

Embarking on the journey of adult orthodontic treatment is worthwhile for your oral health and self-confidence. Understanding what you need to know before getting braces brings you closer to achieving a healthier and more radiant smile. With our Gentle Dental team at your side providing the best Houston orthodontics, you’ll surely achieve your dental health goals!