How to get your child to brush their teeth regularly
Having children is an everyday learning experience for both you and your child. We hope to teach them correctly so they can grow up to be prosperous and healthy. However, a significant struggle is always getting your children to brush their teeth twice a day. Cavities and diseases come quickly for children because of the amount of sugar they eat or what they put in their mouths.
This issue is a battle with your children that you must go through day and night to ensure they are taking care of their teeth. No matter what, it is all worth it when they are older, and their teeth are healthy.
Children’s Dental Hygiene
For many parents, there has been a breakthrough in getting your child to brush their teeth. From fun games to small incentives to get them to their best foot forward in taking better care of themselves at a young age. Starting your kids out early on, good hygiene is essential. Even before their teeth have begun to grow visibly, you should start wiping their gums with a damp cloth. As they grow, please continue to practice clean teeth procedures with them in the hope that they catch on.
Children enjoy picking up mannerisms from their parents. This is how they continue to learn and progress in growing up. Encourage having them watch you brush your teeth and floss when you do it. Your child will most likely enjoy this and want to do it themselves. Setting a good example for your children is one fundamental way they will grow up to succeed. One idea would be to play their favorite song while they brush their teeth. That way, they sing and dance while they clean their teeth.
Another successful way to get your child to brush their teeth twice a day would be turning teeth brushing into a game. The key is to make sure they brush their teeth for two minutes to get all the plaque build-up off their teeth and gums. Set a timer to help them keep up with the time. Make them believe they have to clean their teeth thoroughly before the timer goes off; they have to make sure all their teeth are clean.
Gentle Dental for your Child
Once you get your child regularly cleaning their teeth, it might be time to take them to the dentist to show off their teeth. Here at Gentle Dental, we will take care of your child and ensure their baby teeth are coming in smoothly. We will prep them for what will come next in their teeth growth. Give us a call at (281) 855-1100 today to see how we can help your family. Or visit our website to check out our services and locations.