Treating Gum Disease at Gentle Dental

Gum Disease Periodontal, or gum, disease is an illness that can overrun your mouth before you know it. You may not know as much about it as you need to. In order to prevent or treat it, you need to know a little bit about this disease so you can practice awareness. We want to […]

Extracting the Process of Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction How does tooth extraction work? You may be wondering this in the wake of being told you need to have one done. Fortunately, this process is very common and not extremely lengthy or invasive. Extractions are almost always performed on wisdom teeth that are causing dental problems, such as crowding your other teeth […]

Teaching You About Tooth Ache

Tooth Ache Have you ever experienced a pain in your mouth? There are so many reasons why that could be, but often times chances are it has to do with your teeth. As useful as they are, that also means that they can be susceptible. Many times when you are feeling an oral pain, it […]

How is Bone Grafting Done?

Bone Grafting If your dentist has recommended you pursue bone grafting, you may be intimidated about the process. It sounds scary, doesn’t it? However, bone grafting is a safe dental surgery and may become necessary for you in the case of diseased or damaged bones. Let’s consider all of the possibilities, talk about the process, […]

ZOOM! Teeth Whitening at the Speed of Light

ZOOM! When our smiles aren’t as white as we want them to be, it can limit our self-confidence. No one wants to feel like they can’t smile because they’re embarrassed by what shade their teeth are. At Gentle Dental, we have a few different teeth whitening procedures that are all relatively easy, but ZOOM! is […]

Don’t Forget About Emergency Dentistry

Emergency Dentistry There are always unforeseen emergencies. Usually, an emergency is almost always an accident and they are usually at very inopportune times. When an emergency strikes, the first instinct is to get you or whoever hurt to a hospital. If an issue is so serious that immediate care is needed, you should absolutely go to […]

What is a Dental Emergency?

Dental Emergency You may have wondered about this yourself. When we think of a medical emergency, we will think of a hospital, specifically the emergency room. You may not know what constitutes a dental emergency. Let’s talk about some of the possibilities. Dental emergencies are most likely not life-threatening, but they can be serious issues […]

Teeth Whitening: In Office or At Home?

Teeth Whitening When your teeth become discolored, it can be for a lot of different reasons. You could be eating or drinking a lot of acidic or strongly dyed foods. Other options might be from smoking or trauma, or merely the product of aging. Regardless of whatever cause it to be, you can do a […]

The Dangers of Tooth Infection

Tooth Infection If you have ever had a tooth infection, you may have disregarded it until it went away. While they do hurt or may make your breath smell bad, you may not think the consequences extend beyond that. They can be very bothersome, but not life-threatening, right? Unfortunately, a tooth infection left to its […]

How Bonding Can Help For You

Bonding Are you in the need of a bonding? Perhaps you have a tooth chip, damage or discoloration that was caused by an accident or injury. There are many cosmetic reasons why bonding would be an option. In today’s blog post, we will go over how bonding can help for you and what you can […]